KALLAR KAHAR : In a tragic accident, a school van plunged into a ravine in Kallar Kahar on Monday, killing 26 children and injuring many. The driver lost control and the vehicle veered off the road at the Motorway in the Salt Range area of Chakwal.“Twenty six children were confirmed dead and several others injured,” the SHO of Kalar Kahar Malik Ishan told the media men. The crash took place near Salt Range due to failure of bus brakes, he added. All the victims, aged between 12 to14, were students of Millat School in Faisalabad.
They were returning to Faisalabad after completing a study tour in Islamabad. More than 100 students were aboard the bus. Vice Principal of the school, Hafeez Anwar also lost his life in the incident. A student, while speaking to the media, said that some 105 children along with four teachers were boarding in the bus which met the accident due to failures of brakes. The injured were shifted to District Headquarters Hospital, Chakwal, CMH, Chakwal, and other near-by hospitals.
Ali said that rescue officials including Rescue 1122 and army were working to evacuate students still trapped within the bus. Heavy machinery from construction companies has also been requested to aid the rescue process.Dr Alamgir, MS of DHQ Hospital, said around 35 injured children have been brought to the hospital. He said four children are in critical condition. – Onlinenews