SAN ANTONIO: The 17-year-old beauty queen who claimed pageant organizers harassed her about her weight before stripping her
of the Miss San Antonio title has won her courtroom fight to get it back.
Domonique Ramirez said she was never a size6 and claimed she was unfairly booted in January after pageant officials accused
her of gaining weight and told her to “get off the tacos.” Pageant officials insisted weight wasn’t the issue and that she
violated her contract with conduct unbefitting a beauty queen. A Bexar County jury deliberated for over 11 hours before siding with Ramirez on Thursday.
Judge Barbara Nellermoe then restored Ramirez’s crown, according to court clerk Grace Montalvo.
“She won 100%,” her attorney said. However,a top pageant official says she will do nothing to help Ramirez advance to the
Miss Texas and Miss America crowns. “I’m sorry, there’s no way I would represent her as talent. She’s trouble,” pageant director Linda Woods said.
Woods testified during the weeklong trial that the size-2 teenager showed up to a bikini photo shoot overweight and made pictures “unusable.”
But she told jurors it wasn’t adding a few inches to her figure that cost the 5-foot-8 , 129-pound college student her crown. Instead,
she said Ramirez violated her contract by being chronically late for events or not showing up, not writing thank-you notes for gifts, and embarrassing
the pageant board by turning down vocal coaching from an opera singer.