ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) Tuesday distributed awards among the rising successful microentrepreneurs from across the country for their best performance.“Because Dreams Never Sleep” was the theme of Citi-PPAF Microentrepreneurship Awards 2010 to honour those hardworking people who utilised loans for development of their families and thereby the community.
Awards, in cash and kind, were presented in eight categories including two at national level for Best National Microentrepreneur Male, Best National Microentrepreneur Female and six at regional level for Best Regional Microentrepreneurs form Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Balochistan, Sindh, AJK, Punjab and one for Federal and Gilgit-Baltistan.There were also runner-ups in each category; special awards in four categories for innovative business, young entrepreneur, overcoming adversity and for having a positive impact on community were also given out.Recognition awards were also given to respective loan officers in each category at the event.Speaking on the occasion Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar stressed the need for bringing about positive change among the lives of common people, particularly in far-flung areas.
She said the 18th Amendment and NFC award would help provinces to carry forward social development works and bring about betterment in the lives of the people.She said that the flood-affected people have been able to restore their lives adding that every little effort can change life of anyone.“We must accept our responsibility and build the nation,” she said and urged upon the award winners to extend their help to the needy in their respective communities.Speaking on the occasion, Chief Executive `Officer, PPAF, Qazi Azmat Isa said that the purpose of organizing this award ceremony to pay honour to the unsung heroes of our community.He said that the Citi-Foundation had provided $65,000 for award distribution besides granting $70,000 for helping the microentrepreneurs who have been affected by recent floods.He said that the outreach of PPAF now extends throughout Pakistan in 128 districts and it has about 2 million microfinance clients.Speaking on the occasion City Country Officer, Arif Usmani said that the Citi Foundation and the PPAF were having model partnership to help social development.It is pertinent to mention here that special goal of the awards is to raise awareness about microfinance, particularly among microentrepreneurs who could benefit from it to recognize and celebrate the contributions that microentrepreneurs bring to the world economy and highlight best practices in microentrepreneurshiop – Dailytimes