KARACHI: Chief Justice (CJ) of Sindh High Court (SHC) Justice Mushir Alam has proposed to establish Al-Adal Foundation in Sindh for the welfare of the judicial fraternity and jail inmates.“I propose to set up Al-Adal foundation on the pattern of Al-Meezan Foundation at federal level,” he said while addressing a full court reference held in his honour at the SHC here on Thursday.The SHC judges, district judges and fraternity of lawyers representing various bar associations of the province attended the full court reference.“It is further hoped that all the members of various bars will also contribute in the funding of the foundation which will be made welfare oriented and work without any discrimination,” he added. The chief justice further proposed to bring reforms in the laws pertaining to the inspection team of the judiciary related to the High Court and district courts.He also stressed the need for research and development in the judicial system and hoped that the Sindh Law Commission will be helpful to look into all issues pertaining to the provincial matters.“There is also a need to promote mediation and arbitration at district level to provide relief to the poor masses awaiting justice,” Justice Alam observed and called upon the government departments to help the judiciary to streamline the system, help the masses for justice. He also said that efforts would be made to improve the infrastructure facilities in courts at superior and district court levels to provide relief to the visitors. The chief justice also called upon the senior lawyers to bring in the batch of young generation of lawyers and give them proper training and was hopeful that Sindh Judicial Academy will help resolve these issues. He said that SHC was playing a leading role in computerization of its system and added that measures will be taken to fully computerize the show cause list on daily basis for the convenience of the lawyers – Dailytimes