It seems Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone have buried the hatchet. Both the actresses will be seen performing together at a show in Las Vegas this December.Earlier, we had reported that Akshay Kumar, Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif and Hrithik Roshan were going to perform at this show in Las Vegas. Now, a brand new addition to the clan is Deepika Padukone. And if all goes well, Deepika and Katrina will perform together on stage as a part of this show.The last time Deepika got uncomfortable with Katrina was over Ranbir Kapoor. Deepika had flown down to Bhopal where Ranbir was shooting with Katrina for Raajneeti, fearing that Ranbir and Kats might be getting too close for comfort. At that time, Deepika and Ranbir were in a very steady relationship.But even after the two broke up, Deepika did not quite warm up to Kats. Recently, when both actresses bumped into each other at a photo shoot, they almost looked through each other.Now, that Ranbir is completely out of Deepika’s life (which she has more than reaffirmed by tattooing her own initials on her foot) it seems Deepika has no issues in being civil (for starters) with Katrina.The two are getting ready to set the stage on fire for a forthcoming show in Las Vegas on December 18.
A source reveals, “The organisers were a little apprehensive about pulling this show off but it seems everything is falling into place. Both the girls (Deepika and Katrina) have worked out their dates and have given a green signal to this show.”The spokesperson of Carving Dreams (organisers of the show), neither confirmed nor denied the news – TOI