With sudden murder of governor Punjab Salman Taseer on 4th January in federal capital Islamabad many controversial questions raised in between common people and political parties. His assassination by his own security guard in Islamabad when out on a political trip is a must deal to resolve. Every Pakistani urges exposition of truth behind his murder which is perhaps too far in this state where the mystery of Pakistan’s People’s Party leader Benazir Bhutto’s assassination is still unresolved. Yet two aspects I consider must to overview behind the murder of governor Punjab Salman Taseer.First aspect is- does Elite force guard Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, the assassin of Late governor of Punjab Salman Taseer belong to any political party? If yes, then who is the beneficiary of Salman Taseer’s murder!Next comes to mind due to our political leaders’ statements of blaming Punjab government for governor’s security arrangements while late Salman Taseer was on official trip to federal capital and his protection ought to be assured by federal government as per policy.
Other aspect to be highlighted here is the extreme act of Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri who fired 26 bullets on late Punjab governor within 42 seconds and surrendered soon after. Was this a self planning or incited by someone or agency? If the assassin did it himself then surely it was in love and respect of Islamic teachings that impose on all of us, but what made him infatuated! Surely these are the fatwas from our religious scholars against elimination of blasphemy law that was the power behind assassination. Salman Taseer was a liberal secular human being who was struggling against elimination of blasphemy law deeming it a black law and was supporting Christian community against it.It was his anti-Islamic approach who led young blood of Pakistan to an extremist act and made governor Punjab’s way to assassination. If this so continued in future then security of political officials may stand to another question! – Lubna Khalil