KARACHI: Pakistan team which won the Bridge Federation of Asia and Middle East (BFAME) Championship last month by beating holders India, on Thursday started a 3-day workshop to prepare for Bermuda Bowl being held in the Netherlands in October.“World’s best bridge coach Kokaish is training and coaching to the Pakistan team via internet from Canada to imrpove Pakistan team skills,” Non Playing Captain Tariq Rasheed Khan said.Pakistan team comprising Rashid-ul-Ghazi, Tehsin Gheewala, Tahir Masood, Javed Miran, Muhammad Hasan Askari and Syed Hasan Jawad alongwith a couple of standbyes are attending the course.
“The basic objective of this workshop is to improve team understanding and special skills in defence play,” Tariq Rasheed said.He said the workshop is being conducted in collaboration with Mind Sports Associoation of Pakistan (MSAP).Tariq Rasheed Khan said by holding of the workshop and training and playing sessions Pakistan team player would greatly improve their game.He said Pakistan team’s training and preparation programme in build-up for the World Bridge Championship will conntinue in sessions till the departure of the team. – APP