LAHORE: Justice Umer Ata Bandial of the Lahore High Court on Monday directed the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) and Police Department to allow in-service police constables to appear in the examinations that will be held to fill about 750 vacancies of assistant sub inspectors (ASIs) for various police regions in Punjab.The judge ordered that the admission forms should be issued to the constables for the vacancies of ASIs and they should be allowed to appear in the tests and interviews. The judge held that the constables’ candidacy would be subject to the final decision on their petitions pending in the court.Judge Bandial issued the order on a number of identical petitions moved by Muhammad Idrees, Muhammad Umar and other over 30 in-service police constables.The petitioners’ counsel submitted that the PPSC had announced the 750 ASIs vacancies with a 25-year-age limit and no age relaxation for in-service constables. He submitted that the age limit may be suitable for fresh graduates but not for in service constables who were 30 to 35 years old.The counsel said that the respondents acted with malafide intentions by ousting in service constables from the competition by using the bar of age limit – Dailytimes