Punjab Inspector General of Police (IGP) Javed Iqbal inaugurated the women’s campus for specialized skills at Police Training School (PTS) Chung on Thursday. The women’s campus has been established by Gender Responsive Policing (GRP) project funded by the foreign office of Germany in a joint venture of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and National Police Bureau of Pakistan. According to GIZ officials, the purpose of this campus is to provide training using latest techniques on international standards for women police officers of different ranks under the expertise of skilled and professional trainers.
The campus offers sophisticated class rooms, well equipped Forensic Lab with all the latest gadgets for DNA matching, finger prints lifting and collection of evidences from crime scenes, interrogation room for introducing women police officers to different techniques and methods of interrogation, indoor and outdoor crime scene investigation display for providing in depth training and practical skills to protect and cordon crime scenes without affecting evidence and reconstructing the crime scene using the available information.
The GIZ in order to ensure the comfort of trainees has also assisted in the renovation and refurbishment of the hostel for women police officers. The IGP appreciated the efforts of the trainers and encouraged the under training women police officers to opt for field positions and contribute to effective policing. He also announced that he will ensure that the first three position holders of the Advance Investigation Course for Women Police Officers will serve as additional SHOs and the other qualified officers will be posted as investigation officers.
GRP-GIZ Principal Advisor Dr Khola Iram said to bring women in main stream policing they must be equipped with necessary knowledge and skills, and the women campus was a step in that direction. She added that it will be beneficial if IGP could ensure that qualified women officers were deputed in regular police stations. GIZ Country Director Thomas Schaef said the establishment of the campus and launching of the training program on specialized policing skills were two significant milestones. Later on, a passing out parade of the 4th batch of 353 lady recruits and 41st lower class course of 502 male at PTS was also held.
IGP, while addressing the passed out candidates said that police’s responsibilities were sacred and police officers should perform their duties judiciously. He advised the new recruits to improve the image of the police department by exhibiting their best professional capabilities. Later, IGP distributed cash prizes, certificates and shields among the position holders of both the courses. – Pakistan Today